of Use

Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions govern your use of the website http://www.elbarco.es . This site is property of TALLER DE RESTAURACIÓN EL BARCO, S.L. (“EL BARCO”), legally established in Calle Postigo de San Martín, 9 – 3o Oficina 3, 28013 Madrid, Spain with tax identification number (C.I.F.) B-79105706.

The use of this website implies the absolute and explicit acceptance of the general conditions published in the moment you are entering the site. Specific conditions regarding some of the services of the website may also apply.

Copyrights on the contents of the site

The users of this website may solely use its contents for private purposes. The use of this website or any part of its contents for illegal or commercial purposes other than those defined by EL BARCO is strictly forbidden.

EL BARCO has no liability or responsibility to the misuse of the contents of its site made by third parties. EL BARCO reserves the right to bring legal action against any user who violates these terms of use.

Right of modification

In order to improve the performance of the website, EL BARCO reserves the right to modify, amplify or suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications or services of its website at any time and with no previous notice to the user.

EL BARCO equally reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, as well as any other specific condition.

Limitation of liability

EL BARCO will not be held responsible for any typographic, formal or numeric mistake in its website or for the exactness of the information contained in it.


Privacy policy

EL BARCO is responsible for the datasheet generated with the personal data provided by the users of its website.

According to the spanish Law (“Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal”) regarding this matter, EL BARCO will not disclose your personal data and will treat them confidentially. EL BARCO hereby will take all necessary measures to safeguard your personal data against alteration, loss, disclosure or unauthorized access.

The automatic collection and management of personal data serves the purpose of maintaining the relationship established by contract, i.e., to provide the user with access to our services as well as to manage, extend and enhance our services to the user. You also agree that we may use these data for information and training purposes, as well as for commercial and other entrepreneurial activities.